Water Wellness & Hidrate: Smart water bottle technology

Water is essential to life; this applies to plants as well as living creatures. Water represents 75% of the weight of human infants; more than 50% of the weight of healthy adults is attributed to the water content in our bodies. Clearly, water is crucial to our...

hidrate water bottles

Investor Funding: Is Your Company Compliant?

As a growing company, you may feel like that proverbial duck skimming smoothly across the lake surface. Only you are aware of all the frantic paddling going on beneath the surface to keep moving your company forward. There's innovation. There's development, There's...

passion for business on the sidewalk

Communication Series-Part 2: What is Active Listening?

How to participate fully and actively listen in your verbal and written communications by utilizing four steps of standard communication. If you know you struggle with being a good listener, here are some tips for beginning to take the active listening steps that will help your work life and your home life.